Please Call Us To Schedule An Aura Cleanse
(517) 749-0710
The aura is an energetic field that extends out from the physical body. Emotions are present everywhere, some positive and others not. Anytime you are within arm-span of another, there is a direct energy exchange. Unless we are diligent in protecting our energy and grounding and cleansing frequently, energetic debris gets lodged into the auric field. Over time, such debris causes holes in the aura which creates energy leakage; this also makes one vulnerable to taking on lower frequencies.
An aura cleanse is a nice, quick (5-10 minute) solution to disturbances in the energy field. We will get you comfortably seated with some selenite to assist in cleansing. We will then light some sage and work the debris away from and out of the aura. Any residual that remains stuck will be hand-raked and removed. Finally, we will infuse white healing light into the aura.
If you find yourself thrown off balance by your surroundings, come on in and try an aura cleanse. You will feel amazing!
An aura cleanse is a nice, quick (5-10 minute) solution to disturbances in the energy field. We will get you comfortably seated with some selenite to assist in cleansing. We will then light some sage and work the debris away from and out of the aura. Any residual that remains stuck will be hand-raked and removed. Finally, we will infuse white healing light into the aura.
If you find yourself thrown off balance by your surroundings, come on in and try an aura cleanse. You will feel amazing!